Thursday, November 10, 2005

What an Ass

News Flash - Dateline: Dover, PA. The entire 8-person school board for this small town has been voted out of office, apparently in retaliation for their efforts to force the teaching of Creationism in public school science classrooms. Pat Robertson responded by threatening the town with a natural disaster, and commented that they could "call on Charles Darwin" to help them, as they had rejected God.

This from the same individual who stated several years ago that feminism encourages women to "kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism, and become lesbians." Can you spell "Luddite."


Anonymous said...

Hey I just looked up "luddite". That's an interesting word you've got there. Do you know the history of it? It's pretty interesting. thanks for continuing to write.

Jack said...

I thought a Luddite was anyone who didn't agree with me?

Anonymous said...

Then, if you ever changed your mind about somthing, and you
might change your mind about something, you yourself would
be a luddite, no?

Jack said...

A former Luddite....