Tuesday, November 08, 2005

One very small step for mankind.... backwards!

Today the Kansas State School Board authorized the teaching of Intelligent Design in high school science class rooms.

Once I got over the initial shock, I became angry, then, and then... just... very... sad. How pathetic. How very pathetic to have such an apparently sizable segment of what we call the most advanced nation on earth not only believe such drivel. And worse, that they are allowed force their backwards beliefs on our children. One Kansas board member even stated that this was a victory for "academic freedom" and that "it gets rid of a lot of dogma that's being taught in the classroom today." Yeah, dogma like scientific method, the principles inductive reasoning, and academic objectivity. And our fearless leader (or should that be Fearless Leader) George W. endorses all of this? No wonder we're in trouble.

I read a great comment on the ID debate in a local newspaper, and, although I can't recall the author (sorry 'bout that...), it went something like this: "I am all for academic tolerance when it comes to teaching alternatives to evolution. And I'd be glad to include intelligent design in any science curricula, anywhere.... as soon as they start to teach Darwin's theories in the Bible." Touche.

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