Tuesday, February 07, 2006

More on the Cartoons

(special thanks to LQ for the cartoon) (sorry I couldn't post it any larger).

Quote for the Day: "A Muslum's faith is above Western values" (seen on a Muslum protestor's sign). Faith above values... that just about sums up everything I have against religion. I guess that's why you'll be going to heaven and I won't. Oh well.

Monday, February 06, 2006

An Open Message to All of Islam

I hope you all take this in the spirit that it is meant. But if you don't, well, that's okay too, because I'm just about fed up with Islam anyhow. But if I haven't lost you already, imagine this scenario:

A picture is printed in a newspaper... a cartoon suggesting that a particular religion - or some perverted version of it - is responsible for at least some small degree of conflict in this world. Now, this religion is practiced by millions and millions of folks around the world, mostly peacefully. But it is also the center of a a social, intellectual, and physical culture clash so pervasive, so deeply ingrained, that certain members of this religion feel justified in killing those who don't agree with them.

I don't know what your dictionary says, but LePensure's says that when someone places and idea or concept ahead of a real, live, human being, that person is a fanatic. And I don't like fanatics - 'you catch my drift? So if this cartoon is aimed at a fanatical fringe of the religion, wouldn't the logical thing for mainstream practitioners to do be to distance themselves from the despicable actions of these fanatics? To tear up the air waves apologizing for a situation where some cartoonist would would even think he could suggest a link between the religion and violence? After all, if there were no perceived link between the two, no one would have even understood the cartoon in the first place.

Oh, you say it's not the cartoon? It's the fact that it depicts the Prophet of Peace, and the religion doesn't allow such depictions? Well, to that I say, put your newspaper down, log off the web, and turn off your TV. DON'T LOOK AT IT! It doesn't offend me, and if I end up going to hell for looking at a picture of your Prince, well, that's pretty much my tough luck, huh?? But where in the hell do you get off telling me what I can and can't do, in my own country? In fact, I wish that I were Danish, just so I could spit at you.

I searched the web for the cartoon, just so I could post it. But I gave up - it wasn't worth the effort. Such a pathetic god you have.

Friday, February 03, 2006

To all of my Islamic Friends...

It's a CARTOON, for Christ's sake. Let it go!!

It's things like this that make me think Islam is totally incompatible with democracy. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but it does call into question one of the principle premises behind our continued presence in Iraq.

Come to think of it, I think Christianity is basically incompatible with democracy too...

State of the Union?

'Missed it live, but I did read it on line. Of all the various points brought up, I do agree with one: we need to get off of the mark in developing an alternative to imported oil. Or should I say, to oil, period?

Also pretty interesting how the President did not mention has much-vaunted revamp of medicare - what a disaster.

For those of you who may hold opposing / incorrect views, here's a quick and easy check list:

- Socialized Medicine - yes
- Mandatory federal service - yes, although not necessarily in the military
- The right to vote - complete mandatory federal service, pass a civics test, and show picture ID before registering to vote.
- Abortion - yes, in first trimester
- separation of Church and State - yes, completely and strictly so
- Gay Marriage - yes. I am not even sure why, in the 21st century, this is even an issue for any intelligent human being. Oh, it's only an issue for Christians??
- Free higher education - yes, to those who qualify
- War in Iraq - ??? What can I say? - we seem to have the tiger by the tail
- UN - yes (to a point)
- Cooperation with Allies (as opposed to Bush always going it alone) - yes
- Nucs for Iran - Not on my watch!
- Aid for Palestine - Not until Hamas repudiates violence
- NAFTA - yes
- The economy - tough one, given my stance on NAFTA. 'Have to re-gear towards service & information, and I think that starts with education.
- Abandoned cities and the urban poor - 'don't have an answer for this one. I wish I did....
- Birth control - freely available to everyone
- Tax on the internet - are you kidding me?
- Income tax - a necessary evil. You live in a dream world if you actually believe otherwise.
- Hate crimes, etc. - A crime is a crime, and I don't believe it is a worse crime when inflicted upon a minority
Affirmative Action - it's discrimination.
- Extremist groups (such as the KKK or Neo-Nazis) - these a--holes need to be muzzled legally, but how to do so without jeopardizing everyone else's right to free speech is still an open
- Eavesdropping on US citizens - no problem with it. The so-called right to privacy is very over-rated (and yes, I do realize that a woman's right to obtain an abortion is based upon her right to privacy). But go ahead and change the law so that you do it legally.
- Walmart and the oil companies - why are we complaining about companies that use the system we give them (capitalism) to get rich? That's what I thought capitalism was all about!!!! If you have a problem with it, don't go after those whose only crime is that they play be the rules (more or less), change the system! Geeez...
- Cruel and unusual punishment - I am not sure such a thing exists.
- Cell phones in cars - you're an idiot if you do it.
- Discrimination against smokers - Can you spell C-R-Y-B-A-B-Y?
- Prostitution - should be legal & regulated.
- FCC restrictions on television programming - Parents, get a clue here. If you are relying upon a federal agency to censor programming because it offends you, then you need to become more closely acquainted with the little knob that changes the channel. I don't complain about your Christian programming, do I? And if your worry is children, then you need to be a little bit more involved with what your children watch.
- Bush's policy of spreading democracy throughout the world - demonstrates how naive Bush and his advisors are. The world cannot be divided into black and white, and democracy may not be the best fit for every culture.
- Intelligence Design - it's religion folks, admit it.
- Holocaust denyers - see my comment concerning living in a dream world.

I think that about covers it. Email me if you're still confused.