Thursday, March 17, 2005

To all of those whom I have to share the road with....

Please, put down the hamburger, newspaper, cigarette, or mascara, leave disciplining the kids until you get home, turn down the radio so that I can hold a normal conversation in my own car, and for God's sake, HANG UP THE DAMMED CELL PHONE!!!

Maybe then you'll be able to stay in your own lane (yes, we each have one), stop at stop signs, and keep up with the normal flow of traffic. I'm just saying....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If I didn't have a cell phone how would people reach me those few minutes when I'm not near a phone? I am far too important (even if you are not) to let those calls wait. If others on the road are endangered momentarily, well, that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.