'Missed it live, but I did read it on line. Of all the various points brought up, I do agree with one: we need to get off of the mark in developing an alternative to imported oil. Or should I say, to oil, period?
Also pretty interesting how the President did not mention has much-vaunted revamp of medicare - what a disaster.
For those of you who may hold opposing / incorrect views, here's a quick and easy check list:
- Socialized Medicine - yes
- Mandatory federal service - yes, although not necessarily in the military
- The right to vote - complete mandatory federal service, pass a civics test, and show picture ID before registering to vote.
- Abortion - yes, in first trimester
- separation of Church and State - yes, completely and strictly so
- Gay Marriage - yes. I am not even sure why, in the 21st century, this is even an issue for any intelligent human being. Oh, it's only an issue for Christians??
- Free higher education - yes, to those who qualify
- War in Iraq - ??? What can I say? - we seem to have the tiger by the tail
- UN - yes (to a point)
- Cooperation with Allies (as opposed to Bush always going it alone) - yes
- Nucs for Iran - Not on my watch!
- Aid for Palestine - Not until Hamas repudiates violence
- NAFTA - yes
- The economy - tough one, given my stance on NAFTA. 'Have to re-gear towards service & information, and I think that starts with education.
- Abandoned cities and the urban poor - 'don't have an answer for this one. I wish I did....
- Birth control - freely available to everyone
- Tax on the internet - are you kidding me?
- Income tax - a necessary evil. You live in a dream world if you actually believe otherwise.
- Hate crimes, etc. - A crime is a crime, and I don't believe it is a worse crime when inflicted upon a minority
Affirmative Action - it's discrimination.
- Extremist groups (such as the KKK or Neo-Nazis) - these a--holes need to be muzzled legally, but how to do so without jeopardizing everyone else's right to free speech is still an open
- Eavesdropping on US citizens - no problem with it. The so-called right to privacy is very over-rated (and yes, I do realize that a woman's right to obtain an abortion is based upon her right to privacy). But go ahead and change the law so that you do it legally.
- Walmart and the oil companies - why are we complaining about companies that use the system we give them (capitalism) to get rich? That's what I thought capitalism was all about!!!! If you have a problem with it, don't go after those whose only crime is that they play be the rules (more or less), change the system! Geeez...
- Cruel and unusual punishment - I am not sure such a thing exists.
- Cell phones in cars - you're an idiot if you do it.
- Discrimination against smokers - Can you spell C-R-Y-B-A-B-Y?
- Prostitution - should be legal & regulated.
- FCC restrictions on television programming - Parents, get a clue here. If you are relying upon a federal agency to censor programming because it offends you, then you need to become more closely acquainted with the little knob that changes the channel. I don't complain about your Christian programming, do I? And if your worry is children, then you need to be a little bit more involved with what your children watch.
- Bush's policy of spreading democracy throughout the world - demonstrates how naive Bush and his advisors are. The world cannot be divided into black and white, and democracy may not be the best fit for every culture.
- Intelligence Design - it's religion folks, admit it.
- Holocaust denyers - see my comment concerning living in a dream world.
I think that about covers it. Email me if you're still confused.